Friday, July 28, 2023

World Nature Conservation Day

The 28th of July is World Conservation Day, "with the objective of increasing awareness about and protecting the natural resources that the Earth is bestowed with. It is necessary to understand what ‘Sustainability’ truly means and also it is important to inculcate environment-friendly habits to lead a Green Lifestyle.  Some simple practices that can make your lifestyle green if followed in daily life are –
  •     Help in conservation activities in your area / surrounding natural areas.
  •     Participate in the environment awareness activities.
  •     Wise use of resources like paper, fuel etc.
  •     Efficient use of water & energy at home.
  •     Try to avoid use of plastic bags while shopping.
  •     Be a responsible tourist by practicing eco-tourism.
  •     Avoid littering around during travel.
  •     Appreciate nature and keep vigilance on surrounding nature destruction, inform concerned authorities."

For this purpose I want to direct you to the workshop we have set up at the University Twente called Your Sustainability Journey. This workshop includes examples of actions you might already be doing, or could do, to have a sustainable life. The website has direct links to local shops, locations, and organizations you can use to have a more sustainable lifestyle. It also shows detailed calculations of each action and how much of a carbon impact it has. You can request a workshop on the website for yourself or your team or company, and even use it as further discussion on what sustainable goals you have for your department and how you can work together to reach these. 

We take what we learned during this workshop into our project work and try to implement sustainable practices where we can.

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