Thursday, August 3, 2023

Examples of GI: making use of space in a park

In the South of Enschede there is a narrow band of land wedged between the highway and houses, where a main power cable runs above ground. This is an area traditionally barred from construction as it might interfere with the electricity supply. This area has been transformed into a park with multiple functions.

As you can see in the movies, the principle of wadis for water storage is applied here too. Artificially height differences have been introduced into this landscape, and the wadis are combined with large stepping stones for visitors to play on. 

Other functions in this park are to increase biodiversity through means of pollinator attracting plant species and an insect hotel. Enschede is the first city in the province Overijssel to officially be a Bee City. Some people might consider this part of nature to be messy. People occaissionally call the municipality to ask if the area can be mowed and the high plants removed. But these are very important for the insects in the Netherlands, as well as hedgehogs.

You can read/see more at this link (Dutch): Enschede is the bee city of Overijssel


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