Friday, February 21, 2025

Results from mini sensebox monitoring on blue-geen roof

This year our students analyzed the results of using the mini-sensebox on a new blue-green modular roof design for sloped roofs. However, the weather was very much against us. During the past winter break winds were so strong that two boxes were blown off of the test roof. Luckily they remained on the actual roof and could be placed back, but it was found that for most parameters only one or two senseboxes were still capable of measuring correctly. 


Figure: Sensor placement as per one project group 

During the reserach period, the royal Dutch meteorological agency (KNMI) recorded wind speeds up to 14 m/second, which is 50.4 km/hour. The recorded air temperature was comparable to the KNMI with noticable daytime peaks during sunny days, where it could be up to 10°C warmer. Air humidity followed a similar pattern, though with lower values, than the KNMI data. The soil humidity and temperature unfortunately did not show reliable values. This is likely due to the limited size of the tray with less than 5 cm soil thickness. A detailed hourly comparison of the air temperature will follow.

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LILa green infrastructure sensor network - roof placement

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