Sunday, March 3, 2024

World Wildlife Day

Today is the United Nations' World Wildlife Day (WWD) on which we celebrate wild animals and plants.  "We recognize the unique roles and contributions of wildlife to people and the planet. The WWD2024 Theme is Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation."

Given this theme, how can our research contribute to this goal? At the Green Panels I have observed four different species: magpie, ladbybug (inside a sensebox), fly, and spider (sorry fly). While this is not in the spirit of the WWD theme, or the goal of the senseboxes, it does show that digital information can direclty increase wildlife habitat. The ladybug was probably searching a dry, warmer place for winter shelter. 

There are many ways digital innovation can increase connections between people and planet, by visualizing through photos and video what our world looks like and to share our experiences. In that same spirit, while not focusing on wildlife, the EGU also has a photo competition. Most photos I take are not wild enough, as we have a great deal of domesticated or managed wildlife. 

Did you know you can visit to see what species are in your local neighborhood, and also add your own records? You might find there are more species around you than you knew. At the UT, we even had a green woodpecker (Picus viridis).


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