Tuesday, February 20, 2024

New Urban Green Infrastructure walkshop at The Nature of Cities festival in Berlin

Our next walkshop will take place during The Nature of Cities festival in Berlin in June. This festival is 'Three weeks of interconnected events where you can join virtually or in-person to get inspired, to learn, to present, collaborate, or to meet hundreds of new best friends and urban nature co-conspirators. The virtual segment of the Festival operates around the clock, so set your time zone to see which sessions are good for you."

The virtual part starts in April, and you can register to join our walkshop on June 6. We currently have a student from a university of applied sciences helping us analyze the results from the previous 5 walkshops and to improve the upcoming walkshop. While there are several walkshop type of sessions planned during this festival, ours is focusing on your own experiences and to what extent that influences how you see nature as a stakeholder. We actually take you outside for a while and also want to know how you think about the concept of green infrastructure with different provocative examples.


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