Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Results from Urban Green Infrastructure Walk Shop #4

Today's walk shop was focused around the question of performance. How can we prove how well green infrastructure is performing, how do we know it is giving the benefits we desire? This can be measured by looking at related indicators for each of the benefits. Students of module 10, smart solutions for sustainable cities each took on one topic to design a measurement plan for a type of green infrastructure of their choice. The walk shop route featured different types of GI at our campus where groups had to think about applicable indicators.

During the design phase the premise was as follows: You install a green infrastructure in a place you know to help reduce climate change impacts. Your job is to prove how effective your chosen green infrastructure is.Your theme is the impact you want to reduce. (Themes: energy consumption, extreme temperatures, extreme precipitation, flood peaks, CO2 sequestration).

The groups then had to consider which location to design for, which type of green infrastructure, and which indicator to measure performance with, as well as a sensor and measurement location/frequency appropriate to prove the performance. The solutions were well thought of and students were critical of each others' designs. Each group argued well about the details of their plans.


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