Friday, November 3, 2023

Results from Urban Green Infrastructure Walk Shop #3 Cycle shop

Today we had a cycle shop instead of a walk shop. As part of the NEEDS conference at the University Twente, one of the potential field tours was a cycle shop where Koen Wagelaar from municipality Enschede explained on the way about the different implemented projects. 

We started at the UT with a lecture by Koen, showing among others the different climate labels for areas in Enschede. During the cycle shop, we visited the areas in Ledeboer park, new drainage in the Pijlhovestraat, water retention areas in the Toekomststraat, water retention and permeable parking areas as well as stream restoration in the Rembrandtlaan, the waterpark Pinkeltjesplein, a community garden at the Robsonstraat, and of course the ring road wadi water retention areas, before arriving at city hall and having more Q&As. Participants worked in groups to develop their ideas on how their areas and Enschede could learn from each other, what would work in which area and what wouldn't, and most importantly, why.

For more details, see also my colleague's post on Linked In. And if you want to join a future walk shop, be sure to register for our final event during the Sustainability Week. Impressions of the cycle shop below:

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