Thursday, September 7, 2023

National Resources Day

7 September is National Resources Day. While there is not a lot of information to be found on this annually recurring event for 2023, describes it as follows.

"With the National Raw Materials Day we want to draw attention to the task and new role of governments in the field of reuse on upgrading residual streams. The government is an important player here because it:

  •     is the provider, producer and owner of those residual streams, such as biomass, old asphalt and old street furniture.
  •     is the driver for innovation and implementation through tendering and procurement
  •     can be the buyer of the new products from these raw materials

We are talking about millions of tons of waste. That is why governments play an important role in working together to make the Netherlands circular 2050."

Our government has recently enforced a new price on plastic packaging. This helps people think about all the packaging being used at what it could be repurposed for. For our green roof/wall project, repurposed plastic might be used for:

-packaging of equipment, transport cases for equipment

-sensor exteriors to protect from weather elements

-crates to store water for blue green roofs

-attachments of materials/layers to existing roofs/walls in the form of clamps or other ring/clasping structures

-signposts and signs to educate visitors

-chairs and desks, bookcases in meeting rooms

With this in mind, we can rethink the design and eventual orders for materials and equipment for this projejct and ask suppliers if they have any repurposed plastics or other materials to offer.

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