Friday, January 20, 2023

Examples of local Green Infrastructure

There are many locations of Green Infrastructure to visit in Enschede. Here are two movies from the stream restoration project in Stadsveld. The stream has been restored both through existing streets and at a local elementary school. 

The municipality approached the school about their plans to restore the city stream alongside the school. They asked "can we use your schoolyard as a water buffer? If there is a lot of rain in a short time, we can collect the water in your school yard." The school thought that water and children are a beautiful combination. The schoolyard had been outdated for years, and they saw this as a great opportunity to immediately redevelop the entire schoolyard. They have had a lot of contact with the people of the municipality, including the water engineers and designers. They looked at what the municipality could contribute to this project, especially financially. They then discovered that the province of Overijssel was planning to make all schoolyards green. And that as a school you could apply for a subsidy of 10,000 euros. The municipality then helped the school plan everything. Additional funding came from Jantje Beton, an organization for youth facilities, and the ABN Amro Foundation, a bank. The school also involved children in making the plan. There were classes explaining what the Stadsbeek is and why it is important that it is there. Children also chose new playground equipment. In the design it is ensured that the depth of the retention area poses no danger to the safety of the children. Now there are classes outside and children play outside much more often.   

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LILa green infrastructure sensor network - roof placement

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