Friday, November 22, 2024

NEN council for climate change adaptation

I have joined the NEN council for climate change adaptation (Dutch: I often get the question, what does NEN mean?

Since 1916, the NEN (Stichting Koninklijk Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut - Dutch) helps parties get together and form agreements that are recorded in standards and guidelines. The NEN also provides training and guidelines, and manages over 34,000 standards. These are international (ISO, IEC), European (EN), and national (NEN). The norms are not laws, but best practices.

This particular committee advises on the following ISO* norms:

ISO 14090 'Adaptation to climate change – Principles, requirements and guidelines'

ISO 14091 'Vulnerability, impacts and risk assessment'

ISO 14092 'Requirements and guidance on adaptation planning'

ISO 14097 'Framework and principles for assessing and reporting investments and financing activities regarding climate change'

*The International Organization for Standardization is an independent organization that "develops and publishes international standards in technical and nontechnical fields" (

Aside from this, Dutch NEN norms are also developed, with a wide range of stakeholders. I like to focus on making norms implementable, based on scientific evidence, and have their implementation contribute to a sustainable world as much as possible.

LILa green infrastructure sensor network - roof placement

We previously saw the description of the sensor network and the types of green infrastructure to be investigated. Here I show which sensors ...